Be. Just be.
Be. Just Be. Stop over attaching your self-worth to doing. You are a human BEING and as such there are times to just Be. This is one.
Your worth cannot be found in the mirror, on the bathroom scale, through your work achievements (what you do is not, in fact, who you are) or through the accomplishments of your partners or friends.
Your worth is found within you. You are inherently worthy. You are here, on this planet. Your very presence upon this earth makes you worthy of all the beauty and magic life has to offer.
Anchor your feet to the Earth (literally by being outside or simply place your feet on the ground). Connect your heart to the Heavens. Become the conduit between the earth and the sky. Stop. Listen. Look around. What do you hear? The birds singing? What do you see? The rain dancing as it nourishes the ground? What do you smell? The fresh, crispness of the air? (If nature eludes you, imagine these things, open Insight Timer and listen to the sounds of nature.)
Connect within. Root down. Remember: It is safe to be rooted, grounded, supported. Let the earth cushion your energy, hold you in its warmth, nurture your heart, support your feet as you dance upon its paths.
Feel the groundedness wash over you and fill your being. Notice your breath as it slows, finding its own rhythm. Feel the gentle rise and fall as air fills your lungs, then exits. Let your heart fill with wisdom and compassion with each breath. Allow it to release what no longer serves you with each exhale. Feel into this grounded state of being. Let it bring ease. Let it bring grace. Trust. Allow Surrender to this grounded earth nurturing.
What do you need to allow in today? What can wash over you, through every ounce of your being?
Let your breath comfort you. Let the earth hold and support you. Let this comfort and support wash over you and fill your being. Be still. Just be.