
I have been fortunate to work with impactful teachers. Their energy and guidance has shaped who I am as a person, coach and guide. (This page does not contain affiliate links.)

I am a believer in life-long learning and love words. I love the way writers weave together words on a page that spark joy, fire and passion. I have read the magic the authors here who have poured their hearts onto their pages or posts. Their words and energy spoke to me. They may not speak to every person who comes across this page. Some books I put down if I find they’re not resonating with me and return to them years later when the time is right.

I leave these authors for you here because their words found me at the right time and right place, and they spoke to my soul. Many also have wonderful podcasts or have been podcast guests. If you have favorites not included here, please send them my way. Happy reading.

Our words tell stories. They inspire. They pass on traditions. They teach. Often the words of others articulate things we are unable to express, and eloquently so. I hope you find inspiration, growth and wonder in all the words and teachings that cross your path.