What is dowsing?

Dowsing has been used in a variety of ways in cultures across the world since ancient times. The American Society of Dowsers (ASD) has a full history if you’d like to dive into the details. Their site states “Engineer Raymond C. Willey’s (one of the founders of ASD back in 1961) 1970 book “Modern Dowsing”…. says: “Dowsing is the exercise of a human faculty, which allows one to obtain information in a manner beyond the scope and power of the standard human physical senses of sight, sound, touch, etc.”

Dowsing is like being in a meditative state where information becomes more accessible. Dowsing uses dowsing rods, typically for yes/no questions and historically finding water, and pendulums. In my trainings, we use pendulums to clear stuck, stagnant energies, calibrate chakras, and more. The work is unique to each client. While the work is unique, the results are consistent: clients feel better, like a weight has been lifted off each person. Some clients, especially those who resonate with the idea of being empathic, may actually feel energies in their bodies during a session. As emotions and energies are cleared, they report feeling those sensations disappear. Other times dowsing is used to clear homes, properties and land.

Dowsing is a spiritual tool that can amplify other types of inner work, like coaching. If you find yourself stuck, this can be a great tool for clearing old energies and creating a path forward.