Top 10 ways to support your becoming
The energy is shifting, changing right now. Those who are in tune will feel these shifts more profoundly than others. For those who follow astrology, you know that March is full of lots of major shifts. Some will continue on through their lives like nothing is happening. For others, the impact will be great. Emotions will rise. The March 7 full moon and change of Saturn into Pisces are significant. These changes will offer you the ability to become the next version of yourself, if you allow it.
Allow and Trust. These are key themes right now. Like all things, take what resonates for you here and leave the rest. There are so many wonderful teachers, coaches and guides to help support people as we move through these changes. If you need support, be sure to find a trusted guide to support your becoming and journey.
Here are 10 tips for supporting your becoming:
1. Ground yourself. This is more important than ever. Go for a walk out in nature. Image a grounding cord running from your feet into the center of the earth, anchoring your energy in so it’s tune with the rhythm of the Earth. Feel Mother Earth’s heartbeat and notice your own slow down as you ground yourself. Repeat: I am calm, I am grounded, I am centered. My heart is in tune with Mother Earth. (Tip: Use tools like Insight Timer, the Calm app or others that offer calming music, guided meditations. Try placing your phone on “do not disturb” so you can tune into your body.)
2. Sit and breathe, belly breathe so that your belly rises and falls with each breath. Place one hand on your heart, one hand on your belly. Notice the gentle rise and fall of your belly, of your breath. Feel the rhythm. Let it calm your nervous system.
3. Bring your focus inward. We spend so much time in our current society distracting ourselves. Brining our focus in, rather than out, can feel like visiting a strange land at first. Be patient with yourself as you get reacquainted with your inner voice and knowing. Use your breath as a tool to settle into this space.
4. Tune in to your body. How does it feel to be in your body? Are you at home or does it feel like unfamiliar ground? Where are you holding energy that needs to be released? Are there places in your body where you feel discomfort? Conversely, what feels wonderful? Ask your body “what do you need?” and see what comes up.
5. Allow yourself to feel and allow your body to guide you. If you notice emotions rising, get curious. What do you feel? Where do you feel those emotions? What part of your body feels something? Once you notice it, ask yourself how to release it. Allow yourself to process, to write, to move. Allow what comes up. Surrender the need to hold on, and just let go. Writing can also be cathartic so perhaps you write out all you feel as a mechanism of release. Allow it all and allow to be released. The more your release that isn’t yours to hold, the more space you create for new energy.
6. Call your power back to yourself and return others’ energy to them. Keep what’s yours, release the rest.
7. Allow yourself to rest. Integrating energy, releasing energy, moving forward – it all can be taxing on our bodies. Allow yourself time to rest to integrate these energetic changes.
8. Allow yourself to rejuvenate. This looks different for everyone so you have to find your own secret sauce for rejuvenation. Perhaps it’s a hot bath with Epsom salts, coffee with a friend and real conversation, working out, having a date with yourself or someone else, writing, lighting candles or meditating.
9. Fuel yourself. As we move stagnant energy out, we clear space for bringing in new energy. In this clearing, fuel your body with fresh, wholesome foods that will act as fuel to move you forward.
10. Create a daily practice. This will look different for everyone but create a morning full of intention from the moment you wake up. Feel into your body before you get out of bed. Thank your body for all it does for you. Drink a glass of water (perhaps even hot water with a squeeze of lemon). Meditate. Workout. Go for a walk. Breathe in the outside air. Notice the birds chirping. See the colors of the sunrise. Do the things your body feels good doing. Find gratitude and appreciation. Write about it. Make a shift in your inner world and watch the ripple effect into the outer world.
Be gentle with yourself and those around you. Our world is a complex place and the more love we put into it, into ourselves and each other, the better it will become.